Peckham residents furious their park is a site for luxury flats

The current construction site that was formerly Jocelyn Street Park. Pic: Imogen Adam

Peckham residents say Southwark Council failed to inform them of plans to build luxury flats on the site of a park.

The building plans, dated March 16, 2016, are on the council’s website and promise “well designed and much needed housing”.

The Twitter handle of Peckham Green Save It gained 1,428 followers since the residents started the account in April, when they learnt about the council’s plans.

The 1.4 acres of open space next to Peckham Square has been used for leisure activities such as walks and picnics for more than two decades. Construction of the flats began on the park site on August 11 despite a passionate campaign by residents throughout the spring and summer months.

Lewis Schaffer, who led the protest against the construction, says that it’s clear “the council do not care about the people”. The ideal outcome, he added, “is that they stop building, but they won’t stop now. They’ve invested millions of pounds on this.” 

Schaffer claims that most locals are against the idea. “I’d say about 3 people were pro building taking place.”

Interviews with local residents about the construction plans.

Geoff, who has lived in Peckham for more than 30 years, said “the council claim there is a housing crisis but these flats are all built for the wealthy.”

The residents say they should have been made aware of the council’s building plans sooner. 

Council officials acknowledge the need for green space “for public amenity and play”. 

The site of the park is bordered by Sumner road, Jocelyn Street and Peckham High Street.

Schaffer said that the council were “lacking remorse when they were confronted” and the campaign group protesting against the building work is still waiting for a response. The group’s next in-person meeting is scheduled for February.

Sumner House on Sumner Road is currently used by Social Services. It too will be affected by the council’s building plans. Pic: Imogen Adam. 

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