Pop Ritzy to encourage creativity in locals

Brixton’s Ritzy cinema put on their first ever Pop Ritzy Locals event, an exciting showcase for amateur filmmakers to have their work seen.

The first Pop Ritzy Locals event took place on Tuesday (March 1) evening at Pop Brixton, the perfect atmosphere for the new independent films to be showcased. This event is an encouraging opportunity for budding filmmakers to show off their hard work, and have their films appreciated by a wider audience.

RachIMG_1445el Pronger, marketing manager at the Ritzy said “We’re very excited to be launching our first ever Pop Ritzy Local night over at Pop Brixton, a great opportunity for up and coming Brixton filmmakers to see their work on a big screen alongside their friends, families and supporters. We hope that this will be the first of many Pop Ritzy Local showcases!”

The fact this event has taken place in Brixton suggests an encouragement of any potential creative talents to start showing people what they can do. The prospect of having more events like this assures this will happen, providing fantastic opportunity for those that wish to pursue future careers in the creative industries or just have a real passion for film.

If you too are interested in submitting any of your work for future nights, contact popritzylocal@picturehouses.co.uk to have your work showcased to others.

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