Clapham community unite against crime

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Many crimes go unreported but Lambeth council has areas to help any victims on their journey to recovery, with the recent appointment of hate crime liaisons officers by Lambeth council.

The borough has had a community action day on Thursday 20th November, whereby the police were talking to local businesses and residents about actions that should be taken regarding the rising crime.

With the recent attacks on the LGBT community rising, it has brought a sense of worry for the residents of Clapham.Marcus Hope from friends of Clapham Common said, “The reports are surprising.

I think [the two men] will just be a couple of idiots. It is an isolated thing. We have not had any other complaints.”Lambeth has recently set up a hate crime liaison team to help those who are too scared to report it to the police.

Between May 2013 and August 2014 52 % of crimes that have been reported are still under investigation, 37% resulted in no further action.

6% of the crimes over the past year were investigated and solved by the police. Less than 10% were seen by the judicial system.

Though these are believed to be homophobic attacks, crime is still an issue for the borough regardless of race, gender or sexuality.

Victim Support is an independent charity helping people to cope with the effects of crime.

From to 2-5pm Friday the 21st November, Clapham Library at the Mary Seacole Centre, a Victim Support event will be held.

Clapham safer neighbourhoods team can be reached by phone on 0208 721 2825

If you or a member of family and friends have been a victim of any crime you can speak to the Victim Support team at:


Mary Seacole Centre

91 Clapham High Street





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