Southwark digital records system saves NHS money

Photo Credit : Rodrigo Senna

Photo Credit : Rodrigo Senna

Southwark and Lambeth NHS organisations have teamed up to improve patients’ care.

A new secure electronic system, Local Care Record has been implemented. It allows healthcare professionals to access patients records at the touch of a button in order to see important information before diagnosing or prescribing medications.

Records between NHS organisations are shared already via post, email or fax but the new digital system is much more efficient. Now, Guy’s and St. Thomas, Kings College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts can securely share essential details quickly.

Test results, medication and previous treatments will be able to be seen by clinicians in order to allow them to accurately decide appropriate physical and mental treatments.

This new system is hoped to save the NHS time and money with the new accessible database, as it will reduce the number of repeat hospital and GP appointments.

“The Local Care Record is something my GP colleagues and I have been really excited about and it is already adding clinical value. We’ve already started to use it in our practice and it is helping us improve safety and the quality of care we provide to our local patients in Lambeth and Southwark, as we have a clearer picture of the people we are caring for and their different health needs.” Dr Adrian McLachlan, GP Partner at the Hetherington Group Practice and Chair of Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group said.

In order to make it secure, only professionals will be able to access the system for the treatment of patients and it will not be accessible to anyone else or private organisations.

Over the next few months the Local Care Record will be introduced to GP practises throughout Southwark and Lambeth.

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