800 Camberwell residents sign petition protesting boundary changes

Boundary breakup of Camberwell. Pic: Boundary Commission for England.

Over 800 unhappy Camberwell residents have signed a petition against a proposal to change parliamentary constituencies that would see a third of Camberwell joining Vauxhall and almost two-thirds of Camberwell being absorbed into Peckham.

The Camberwell Life community group’s petition on change.org called “Keep Camberwell together” is against plans to redraw the map of constituencies across the country by the Boundary Commission for England. 

The SE5 Forum for Camberwell believes that the breakup of the Camberwell community is unacceptable, warning that many iconic Camberwell locations would be “lost” to Peckham. 

The SE5 Forum for Camberwell said: “This is yet another example of how Camberwell’s identity is being eroded in subtle but additive ways.”

Camberwell mural situated near Denmark Hill Station. Pic: Anis Tahraoui

Pensioner Mark Edward Blewer has shared his thoughts in the comment section of the petition saying: “I have been proud to live in Camberwell, for nearly seventy years. Like quite a few, I remember when it was the London Borough of Camberwell, before all this Southwark nonsense. Why can’t these jobsworths leave things alone, my family used to laugh at me and probably still do, because I refused to accept the Southwark thing. Leave us alone, we’re happy as we are, I was born in Camberwell and I hope when I die, it will still be in Camberwell.” 

The SE5 group also said: “The risk is that investment, for jobs, for transport and other benefits will be increasingly diverted to town centres of Vauxhall, Brixton and Peckham, and we will be overlooked.” 

The community group will submit a response to the Boundary Commission asking that they reconsider the proposal which Camberwell residents and the community group feel so strongly against. Locals hope that with the petition the Boundary Commission reconsider. 

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