Campaign groups to protest councillor’s “cosy breakfast with fat cat developers”

Locals fear being priced out by "fat cat" property developers

Locals fear being priced out by “fat cat” property developers

A breakfast set up for negotiations between property developers and Lambeth Council has become the target of a social media campaign, which calls for a protest on the day.

This comes a month after Lambeth Council leader Lib Peck announced that she would be available to discuss planning issues over breakfast on the 24th March – at the deluxe London Marriot Hotel, County Hall – setting attendees back £90.

Planning and development communications firm SP Broadway, who are organising the event, said their aims are “building relationships with key political, community and media stakeholders to gain planning consent for our clients”.

But this breakfast has not been without its share of controversy, as local campaigners have called Lib Peck’s plan “elitist”, demanding that the council hold free public meetings so that all are entitled to a say.

A Facebook event named ‘Crash Lambeth Council’s property developer breakfast’ has been set up by campaign groups ‘Housing Action for Southwark and Lambeth’ and ‘Lambeth Left Unity’ to contest the event, attracting over 70 people so far.

Left Unity’s election candidate for Vauxhall, Simon Hardy, said:

“Instead of a cosy breakfast with fat cat developers, Lib Peck should hold a free public meeting with residents and housing campaigners in the borough to discuss the provision of social housing rather than pursuing sweetheart deals with property developers whose only concern is profit at the expense of social provision.”

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