Care service providers under fire for mistreatment of workers.

Care agencies across London are facing severe backlash as workers come forward to shed light on mistreatment, highlighting concerns regarding low pay, long hours, and the absence of benefits. These revelations have ignited discussions about the welfare of those employed in the care sector and the urgent need for improved working conditions and fair compensation.

Numerous care workers in London have expressed frustration and dissatisfaction with their current employment situations. They report being subjected to meagre wages that often fall below the minimum standard of living, despite the demanding nature of their roles and the critical services they provide to vulnerable individuals in the community.

Raha Mahmoud who has worked with Bluebird Care for five years spoke about the conditions her and her colleagues are subjugated to. “I drive client-client across South London and I am not paid during the drive, if there’s traffic I am not compensated for that either. If I am late due to traffic, then pay is reduced or I lose shifts. My close friend and work partner at Bluebird was recently fired for missing several shifts despite her working at the agency for more than 5 years. She has never gotten an increase in pay or a day off. Furthermore, agencies are not providing contracted hours for work but 0 hour contracts with no benefits such as sick pay, holiday pay and contribution to pension. “

The absence of benefits, such as paid leave, healthcare coverage, and retirement plans, has further exacerbated the challenges faced by care workers in London. The lack of these essential provisions leaves them vulnerable to financial insecurity and restricts access to necessary resources for their own well-being.

The concerns raised by care workers in London serve as a reminder of the fundamental rights and dignity that should be afforded to those working in essential care roles. It is essential that concerted efforts are made by stakeholders across the industry to address these issues and prioritise the well-being of care workers who play a vital role in supporting vulnerable individuals and maintaining the fabric of our communities.

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