New Brixton basketball facility in the works.

Brixton Topcats, a South London basketball club, have opened a new centre which aims to tackle the rising issue of youth disengagement and help children stay away from the perils of the streets through the power of sports.

The establishment of the new base, which will be in Brixton, will include a dedicated training facility, coaching staff, and outreach programs targeting disadvantaged neighbourhoods. This new facility was built in hopes of improving the basket-balling community’s resources as London is infamous for its poor infrastructure when it comes to the sport. Many courts are built outside in contrast to other basketball enthusiastic countries such as America or France where most courts are indoors. This is especially inconvenient for English basketballers as the weather in England often doesn’t allow outdoor sporting. 

Brixton Topcats saw it as imperative upon them to attempt to improve this situation for young players around the area. 

These efforts aim to engage children who might otherwise find themselves entangled in negative influences, offering them an opportunity to channel their energy into a constructive and fulfilling pursuit.

Guled Gurey (former Brixton Topcats starting small forward) says, “I’ve seen basketball and sports in general save the lives of many inner city youth, an outlet where kids can work together in team sports and feel a part of something is crucial, especially in this era of knife crime and gang activity.”

The new space, which was previously shopping store, is now a storefront that sells Topcats merchandise, and at the back of the centre is a state-of-the-art basketball court. The new experimental space will work to raise funds for the Brixton Topcats Foundation, which works to cultivate future British basketball talent. 

One of the only basketball courts in the area, no nets and no groundlines.

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